doc/sprint.h [code] | |
sprint/algorithm.h [code] | Some algorithms like sprint::copy, sprint::set, sprint::zero |
sprint/beep.h [code] | Beep sound for error |
sprint/buffer_cast.h [code] | Methods to convert an object to string using a support buffer (no head wasted) |
sprint/cpptraits.h [code] | Some usefull c++ traits |
sprint/log.h [code] | Implements some logging interface the log API permits to log the data on different subsystem (text, stdio, html file) depending on which log library are linked with the application |
sprint/minmax.h [code] | Implements minmax macros for system without them |
sprint/network_headers.h [code] | Common declaration/include files for use network |
sprint/platform.h [code] | Platform macro declaration |
sprint/runtime_cast.h [code] | Enable run time cast between POD types |
sprint/serializable_rtti.h [code] | Permits to serialize POD and STL types |
sprint/singleton.h [code] | Singleton class |
sprint/smart_cast.h [code] | Permits to convert in efficient way one type to another |
sprint/split.h [code] | |
sprint/sysdef.h [code] | Cross platform declaration |
sprint/timer.h [code] | High definition timer |
sprint/unistd.h [code] | Unistd.h compatibily header (for architecture without it) |
sprint/archive/archive.h [code] | Some methods to handle a JSON like file The base idea is to have several level of file |
sprint/archive/simple.h [code] | Implement a simple and lightweight archive file format |
sprint/audio/audio.h [code] | |
sprint/audio/wavein.h [code] | |
sprint/audio/WaveOut.h [code] | |
sprint/container/alias.h [code] | Vector with IO capabilties |
sprint/container/alias_map.h [code] | Map wrapper with a file IO capabilities |
sprint/container/array.h [code] | Sprint::array template class |
sprint/container/autovector.h [code] | Autodeleting vector |
sprint/container/buffer.h [code] | User-deallocable generic buffer usefull for propagate different kind of buffer source in IO |
sprint/container/cachemap.h [code] | Detail for cachemap object |
sprint/container/const_string.h [code] | Wrapper sprint::const_string for use const char * as key |
sprint/container/lazy_vector.h [code] | Lazy_vector implementation |
sprint/container/light_string.h [code] | A lightweight string class with essential features |
sprint/container/ref.h [code] | Reference ref class |
sprint/container/ref_any.h [code] | RTTI free variatic object |
sprint/container/shared_ptr.h [code] | Sprint::shared_ptr |
sprint/container/shared_string.h [code] | Implements sprint::shared_string, a dynamic string with shared pointer policy |
sprint/container/shared_vector.h [code] | Shared_vector implementation |
sprint/container/static_buffer.h [code] | Implements a buffer used to concatenate strings |
sprint/container/storage_buffer.h [code] | |
sprint/container/string.h [code] | |
sprint/container/tuple.h [code] | Extension of std::pair to multiple dimensions |
sprint/container/unordered_map.h [code] | Detail for sprint::unordered_map object |
sprint/container/unordered_set.h [code] | Implements sprint::unordered_set |
sprint/crypt/md5.h [code] | Implementation of a Digest algorithm policy based on MD5 |
sprint/Extra/NetUpdate.h [code] | |
sprint/function/bind.h [code] | Bind method to create function* object |
sprint/function/function.h [code] | Define function virtual objects |
sprint/function/simple_function.h [code] | Implements the simple_function object |
sprint/function/detail/adapter.h [code] | Adapter between invoker and function* |
sprint/function/detail/invoker.h [code] | Methods used to wrap function calls |
sprint/gtl/BaseTypes.h [code] | Misc base types |
sprint/gtl/Bitmap.h [code] | Bitmap API |
sprint/gtl/bmpcache.h [code] | |
sprint/gtl/BrowseForDir.h [code] | |
sprint/gtl/Brush.h [code] | Brush API |
sprint/gtl/Button.h [code] | Implements Button, RadioButton, CheckBox gui elements |
sprint/gtl/ComboBox.h [code] | |
sprint/gtl/CommandMap.h [code] | |
sprint/gtl/CommonDialog.h [code] | Implements the common dialog (Open, Save) |
sprint/gtl/configuration.h [code] | |
sprint/gtl/controls.h [code] | |
sprint/gtl/DC.h [code] | Device Context API |
sprint/gtl/Dialog.h [code] | Dialog API |
sprint/gtl/DialogConf.h [code] | This file implements binding between variables and Window Controls |
sprint/gtl/DlgItem.h [code] | Dialog Item API |
sprint/gtl/EditableListView.h [code] | |
sprint/gtl/ExtraCtrl.h [code] | |
sprint/gtl/Font.h [code] | Font API |
sprint/gtl/image.h [code] | |
sprint/gtl/ImageList.h [code] | |
sprint/gtl/instance.h [code] | Global istance |
sprint/gtl/ListBox.h [code] | ListBox control |
sprint/gtl/ListView.h [code] | ListView control |
sprint/gtl/Menu.h [code] | CMenu API |
sprint/gtl/Pen.h [code] | CPen API |
sprint/gtl/propertylist.h [code] | Property list dialog |
sprint/gtl/ReBar.h [code] | Implements the ReBar control |
sprint/gtl/Registry.h [code] | Registry wrap the register configuration |
sprint/gtl/SkinButton.h [code] | SkinButtonManager implements a skin button |
sprint/gtl/SplashImage.h [code] | SplashImageManager, a splash image object |
sprint/gtl/StatusBar.h [code] | StatusBar wraps the status bar |
sprint/gtl/tabctrl.h [code] | |
sprint/gtl/TabCtrl.hpp [code] | |
sprint/gtl/TextButton.h [code] | |
sprint/gtl/toolbar.h [code] | ToolBar control |
sprint/gtl/TreeView.h [code] | TreeView control |
sprint/gtl/TWin.h [code] | Template Window Implementation |
sprint/gtl/TWin.hxx [code] | |
sprint/gtl/VWindow.h [code] | VWindow, Virtual class Window implementation |
sprint/gtl/winclassregister.h [code] | WindowRegister istance |
sprint/gtl/Window.h [code] | CWindow base class |
sprint/gtl/wintools.h [code] | |
sprint/gtl/detail/commctrl.h [code] | |
sprint/image/blend.h [code] | Methods to blend an image over another one |
sprint/image/bmp.h [code] | |
sprint/image/convert.h [code] | Methods to convert one image to another one |
sprint/image/copy.h [code] | Methods to copy a image (subpart) |
sprint/image/drawing.h [code] | Implements some basic primitive to draw on images |
sprint/image/font.h [code] | Methods to use ANGELCODE bitmap font |
sprint/image/gif.h [code] | Image IO from/to BMP files |
sprint/image/image.h [code] | Base struct for image manipulator |
sprint/image/imageio.h [code] | Image IO factory API |
sprint/image/imageview.h [code] | Primitives to implement an image view |
sprint/image/jpeg.h [code] | Image IO from/to JPEG file (jpeglib wrapper) |
sprint/image/png.h [code] | Image IO from/to png file (libpng wrapper) |
sprint/image/raw_convert.h [code] | API to convert raw image buffer |
sprint/image/resize.h [code] | |
sprint/image/sdl.h [code] | Usefull wrapper for SDL surface |
sprint/image/tga.h [code] | Image IO from/to TGA file |
sprint/image/tiff.h [code] | Image IO from/to TIFF files (libtiff wrapper) |
sprint/image/types.h [code] | |
sprint/io/bufferize.h [code] | |
sprint/io/bzip2.h [code] | Bzip2 Stream file class |
sprint/io/bzip2io.h [code] | Implements operator << >> for sprint::io::bzip2 |
sprint/io/file.h [code] | File wrapper for native platform IO file, usually unbuffered IO |
sprint/io/fileio.h [code] | Give to sprint::io::file some operators |
sprint/io/ftdiserial.h [code] | Handle serial communication wrapping FTDI library |
sprint/io/gzip.h [code] | Wrap a gzip file in a sprint::io policy |
sprint/io/gzipio.h [code] | Implements operator << >> for sprint::io::gzip |
sprint/io/io.h [code] | Include all sprint::io headers |
sprint/io/iostream.h [code] | |
sprint/io/mem.h [code] | Wrap a memory buffer in a sprint::io policy |
sprint/io/memio.h [code] | Implements operator << >> for sprint::io::*_buffer |
sprint/io/mystringstream.h [code] | Implements a ostringstream/istringstream class using buffer_cast |
sprint/io/null.h [code] | Implements a dummy IO |
sprint/io/nullio.h [code] | Implements operator << >> for sprint::io::null |
sprint/io/serial.h [code] | Handle serial (Es RS232, BT) comunication |
sprint/io/socket.h [code] | |
sprint/io/socketio.h [code] | Implements operator << >> for sprint::socket |
sprint/io/stdiofile.h [code] | Wrap a stdio FILE object in a sprint::io policy |
sprint/io/stdiofileio.h [code] | Implements operator << >> for sprint::io::stdiofile |
sprint/io/tar.h [code] | Tar Library. IO class to handle tarfile, not related to xstream |
sprint/io/tools.h [code] | Read/write memory From/To file |
sprint/io/type.h [code] | Io base types |
sprint/io/utils.h [code] | Give some utility to stream |
sprint/io/xstreams.h [code] | This file include all xstream(s) xstream(s) are a collection of lightweight virtual class that wraps sprint::io |
sprint/io/network/async_socket.h [code] | |
sprint/io/network/ftp.h [code] | File Transfer Protocol library |
sprint/io/network/http.h [code] | Cross platform method to get HTTP resources |
sprint/io/network/nettools.h [code] | Socket helper function |
sprint/io/network/network.h [code] | Sprint::network |
sprint/io/network/pmftpp.h [code] | |
sprint/io/network/sockerr.h [code] | |
sprint/io/network/socket.h [code] | Sprint::socket |
sprint/io/xstream/tools.h [code] | Some utility to handle URL object in xstream |
sprint/io/xstream/xbzip2.h [code] | Xbzip2 wraps sprint::io::bzip2 library |
sprint/io/xstream/xbzip2filter.h [code] | |
sprint/io/xstream/xfile.h [code] | Xfile wraps sprint::io::file library |
sprint/io/xstream/xfolder.h [code] | Xfolder is a device abstraction layer |
sprint/io/xstream/xftp.h [code] | Xftp wrap sprint::io::ftp library |
sprint/io/xstream/xgzip.h [code] | Xgzip wraps sprint::io::gzip library |
sprint/io/xstream/xgzipfilter.h [code] | Gzipf add to an existing stream the capability of compress/decompress data |
sprint/io/xstream/xhttp.h [code] | Xhttp wrap sprint::io::http library |
sprint/io/xstream/xmem.h [code] | Implement a buffered IO virtual policy on sprint::io::mem |
sprint/io/xstream/xnull.h [code] | Xstream xnull wraps sprint::io::null |
sprint/io/xstream/xserial.h [code] | Xserial wraps sprint::io::serial library |
sprint/io/xstream/xsocket.h [code] | Implement a RAW UDP/TCP/IP communicator wrapping sprint::socket |
sprint/io/xstream/xstdiofile.h [code] | Xstream xstdiofile wraps sprint::io::stdiofile |
sprint/io/xstream/xstream.h [code] | Xstream is a lightweight class that abstracts the IO using virtual methods |
sprint/io/xstream/xstreamio.h [code] | Method to add iostream IO operators to xstream |
sprint/io/xstream/xtar.h [code] | Tar xfolder library |
sprint/io/xstream/xzip.h [code] | Implements the xfolder interface to a zip file |
sprint/io/xstream/detail/xadapter.h [code] | Implement xadapter<T> class used to connect policy io with xstream io |
sprint/ipc/ipc.h [code] | Implement a cross platform Inter-Process Comunication |
sprint/ipc/memory.h [code] | Implement a cross platform Inter-Process Comunication memory |
sprint/ipc/mutex.h [code] | Implement a cross platform Inter-Process Comunication mutex |
sprint/ipc/rpc.h [code] | Implements a crossplatform remote procedure call |
sprint/math/dynamic_matrix.h [code] | Dmatrix<T>: a dynamic size matrix object |
sprint/math/fixed_matrix.h [code] | |
sprint/math/matrix_common.h [code] | Common matrix operations |
sprint/math/point.h [code] | Point(s) classes |
sprint/math/rect.h [code] | Rect<T> rectangle class |
sprint/odbc/odbc.h [code] | Class for access to ODBC database |
sprint/script/lua_script.h [code] | Lua wrapper |
sprint/string/algo.h [code] | String algorithm |
sprint/thread/bind.h [code] | Method to create function pointer for thread call |
sprint/thread/event.h [code] | Sprint::event |
sprint/thread/mutex.h [code] | |
sprint/thread/pipe.h [code] | Cross platform pipe declaration |
sprint/thread/rwmutex.h [code] | Read-Write policy mutex |
sprint/thread/semaphore.h [code] | Semaphore |
sprint/thread/sleep.h [code] | Cross platform sleep |
sprint/thread/thread.h [code] | Abstracting thread |
sprint/thread/thread_group.h [code] | Proposal 1 for thread group |
sprint/thread/detail/function.h [code] | Thread_function fornisce i metodi per adattare un Invoker a una funzione per thread |
sprint/thread/detail/platform.h [code] | Select the best thread technology on the current system |
sprint/utils/hex.h [code] | Methods to work on hex digit |
sprint/utils/mem.h [code] | Some old fashioned API to alloc/free memory and copy strings |
sprint/utils/string.h [code] | |
sprint/utils/ug_tools.h [code] | File di help per passare da userid e groupid al nome corrispondente |
sprint/video/avi.h [code] | |
sprint/xml/uxml.h [code] | Small DOM XML implementation |