sprint 1-alpha
Public Member Functions
sprint::gtl::ToolBar Class Reference

#include <toolbar.h>

Inherits sprint::gtl::CWindow.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void Create (HWND hParent, int id, int style=TBSTYLE_FLAT|TBSTYLE_TOOLTIPS)
void OnSize ()
bool IsButtonEnabled (int nID) const
bool IsButtonChecked (int nID) const
bool IsButtonPressed (int nID) const
bool IsButtonHidden (int nID) const
bool IsButtonIndeterminate (int nID) const
int GetState (int nID) const
bool SetState (int nID, UINT nState)
bool GetButton (int nIndex, LPTBBUTTON lpButton) const
int GetButtonCount () const
bool GetItemRect (int nIndex, LPRECT lpRect) const
void SetButtonStructSize (int nSize=sizeof(TBBUTTON))
bool SetButtonSize (SIZE size)
bool SetButtonSize (int cx, int cy)
bool SetBitmapSize (SIZE size)
bool SetBitmapSize (int cx, int cy)
void SetNotifyWnd (HWND hWnd)
int GetRows () const
void SetRows (int nRows, bool bLarger, LPRECT lpRect)
bool SetCmdID (int nIndex, UINT nID)
DWORD GetBitmapFlags () const
int GetBitmap (int nID) const
int GetButtonText (int nID, LPTSTR lpstrText) const
HIMAGELIST GetImageList (int nIndex=0) const
HIMAGELIST SetImageList (HIMAGELIST hImageList, int nIndex=0)
HIMAGELIST GetDisabledImageList (int nIndex=0) const
HIMAGELIST SetDisabledImageList (HIMAGELIST hImageList, int nIndex=0)
DWORD GetStyle () const
void SetStyle (DWORD dwStyle)
SIZE GetButtonSize () const
bool GetRect (int nID, LPRECT lpRect) const
int GetTextRows () const
bool SetButtonWidth (int cxMin, int cxMax)
bool SetIndent (int nIndent)
bool SetMaxTextRows (int nMaxTextRows)
bool EnableButton (int nID, bool bEnable=TRUE)
bool CheckButton (int nID, bool bCheck=TRUE)
bool PressButton (int nID, bool bPress=TRUE)
bool HideButton (int nID, bool bHide=TRUE)
bool Indeterminate (int nID, bool bIndeterminate=TRUE)
int AddBitmap (int nNumButtons, UINT nBitmapID)
int AddBitmap (int nNumButtons, HBITMAP hBitmap)
bool AddButtons (int nNumButtons, LPTBBUTTON lpButtons)
bool InsertButton (int nIndex, LPTBBUTTON lpButton)
bool InsertButton (int nIndex, int iCommand, BYTE Style, BYTE State, int iBitmap, INT_PTR iString, DWORD_PTR lParam)
bool InsertButton (int nIndex, int iCommand, BYTE Style, BYTE State, int iBitmap, LPCTSTR lpszItem, DWORD_PTR lParam)
bool AddButton (LPTBBUTTON lpButton)
bool AddSeparator ()
bool AddButton (int iCommand, BYTE Style, BYTE State, int iBitmap)
bool AddButton (int iCommand, BYTE Style, BYTE State, int iBitmap, INT_PTR iString, DWORD_PTR lParam)
bool AddButton (int iCommand, BYTE Style, BYTE State, int iBitmap, LPCTSTR lpszItem, DWORD_PTR lParam)
bool DeleteButton (int nIndex)
UINT CommandToIndex (UINT nID) const
void SaveState (HKEY hKeyRoot, LPCTSTR lpszSubKey, LPCTSTR lpszValueName)
void RestoreState (HKEY hKeyRoot, LPCTSTR lpszSubKey, LPCTSTR lpszValueName)
void Customize ()
int AddString (UINT nStringID)
int AddStrings (LPCTSTR lpszStrings)
void AutoSize ()
bool ChangeBitmap (int nID, int nBitmap)
int LoadImages (int nBitmapID)
int LoadStdImages (int nBitmapID)
bool ReplaceBitmap (LPTBREPLACEBITMAP ptbrb)

Detailed Description

ToolBar control

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