sprint 1-alpha
Public Member Functions | Public Attributes
sprint::gtl::CFontT< t_bManaged > Class Template Reference

Wrapper per i Font. More...

#include <Font.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 CFontT (HFONT hFont=NULL)
CFontT< t_bManaged > & operator= (HFONT hFont)
bool IsNull () const
void Attach (HFONT hFont)
HFONT Detach ()
 operator HFONT () const
HFONT CreateFontIndirect (const LOGFONT &LogFont)
 CFontT (const LOGFONT &LogFont)
HFONT CreateFont (int nHeight, int nWidth, int nEscapement, int nOrientation, int nWeight, BYTE bItalic, BYTE bUnderline, BYTE cStrikeOut, BYTE nCharSet, BYTE nOutPrecision, BYTE nClipPrecision, BYTE nQuality, BYTE nPitchAndFamily, LPCTSTR lpszFacename)
HFONT CreateFont (int nPointSize, LPCTSTR lpszFaceName, bool bBold=false, bool bItalic=false)
HFONT CreatePointFont (int nPointSize, LPCTSTR lpszFaceName, HDC hDC=NULL, bool bBold=false, bool bItalic=false)
HFONT CreatePointFontIndirect (const LOGFONT &LogFont, HDC hDC=NULL)
BOOL DeleteObject ()
int GetLogFont (LOGFONT *pLogFont) const
bool GetLogFont (LOGFONT &LogFont) const

Public Attributes

HFONT m_hFont

Detailed Description

template<bool t_bManaged>
class sprint::gtl::CFontT< t_bManaged >

Wrapper per i Font.

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