sprint 1-alpha
sprint::gtl::DoubleBufferDC Member List
This is the complete list of members for sprint::gtl::DoubleBufferDC, including all inherited members.
Attach(HDC hDC) (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
BitBlt(int nXDest, int nYDest, int nWidth, int nHeight, HDC hdcSrc, int nXSrc=0, int nYSrc=0, DWORD dwRop=SRCCOPY) constsprint::gtl::TDC< false >
BitBlt(int x, int y, HBITMAP hbmp, DWORD dwRop=SRCCOPY) constsprint::gtl::TDC< false >
Bitmap() const sprint::gtl::DoubleBufferDC
Circle(int x, int y, int r) (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
clear(HBRUSH hbr)sprint::gtl::DoubleBufferDC
CreateCompatibleBitmap(int nWidth, int nHeight)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
CreateCompatibleDC() constsprint::gtl::TDC< false >
DeleteDC()sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
Detach() (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
DoubleBufferDC(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc)sprint::gtl::DoubleBufferDC
DoubleBufferDC(const RECT &r, HDC hdc) (defined in sprint::gtl::DoubleBufferDC)sprint::gtl::DoubleBufferDC
DoubleBufferDC(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, HDC hdc) (defined in sprint::gtl::DoubleBufferDC)sprint::gtl::DoubleBufferDC
DrawEdge(LPRECT lpRect, UINT nEdge, UINT nFlags) (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
DrawFrameControl(const RECT &lpRect, UINT nType, UINT nState) (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
DrawText(LPCSTR lpString, const RECT &rc, UINT uFormat) (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
DrawText(const std::string &str, const RECT &rc, UINT uFormat) (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
Ellipse(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
ExtTextOut(int x, int y, UINT nOptions, LPCRECT lpRect, LPCTSTR lpszString, UINT nCount=-1, LPINT lpDxWidths=NULL) (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
FillRect(const RECT &rc, HBRUSH hbr)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
FillRect(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, HBRUSH hbr) (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
FrameRect(const RECT &rc, HBRUSH hbr) (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
FrameRect(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, HBRUSH hbr) (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
GetCurrentBitmap() const (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
GetCurrentBrush() const (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
GetCurrentFont() const (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
GetTextAlign() const (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
GetTextCharacterExtra() const (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
GetTextColor() const (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
GetTextExtent(LPCSTR lpString, LPSIZE lpSize) const (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
GetTextExtent(const std::string &str, LPSIZE lpSize) const (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
GetTextExtent(LPCTSTR lpszString, int nCount, LPSIZE lpSize) const (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
GetTextExtent(LPCTSTR lpszString, int nCount=-1) const (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
GetTextExtent(const std::string &str) const (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
GetTextExtentExPoint(LPCTSTR lpszString, int cchString, LPSIZE lpSize, int nMaxExtent, LPINT lpnFit=NULL, LPINT alpDx=NULL) (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
height() const (defined in sprint::gtl::DoubleBufferDC)sprint::gtl::DoubleBufferDC
IsNull() const (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
Line(POINT a, POINT b)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
Line(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
LineTo(int x, int y) (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
LineTo(POINT point) (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
m_hdc (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
MoveTo(int x, int y, LPPOINT lpPoint=NULL) (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
MoveTo(POINT point, LPPOINT lpPointRet=NULL) (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
operator HDC() const (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
Polygon(LPPOINT lpPoints, int nCount)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
Polyline(LPPOINT lpPoints, int nCount)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
Rectangle(const RECT &rc) (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
Rectangle(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
RestoreDC(int nSavedDC)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
SaveDC()sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
SelectBitmap(HBITMAP hbmp) constsprint::gtl::TDC< false >
SelectBrush(HBRUSH hbr) constsprint::gtl::TDC< false >
SelectFont(HFONT hbr) constsprint::gtl::TDC< false >
SelectPen(HPEN hpen) constsprint::gtl::TDC< false >
SetBkColor(COLORREF crColor) (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
SetBkMode(int mode) constsprint::gtl::TDC< false >
SetTextAlign(UINT nFlags) (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
SetTextCharacterExtra(int nCharExtra) (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
SetTextColor(COLORREF rgb) (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
SetTextColor(unsigned int r, unsigned int g, unsigned int b) (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
SetTextJustification(int nBreakExtra, int nBreakCount) (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
TDC(HDC hdc=NULL) (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
TextOut(int x, int y, LPCSTR lpString, int nCount=-1)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
TextOut(int x, int y, const std::string &lpString) (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
width() const (defined in sprint::gtl::DoubleBufferDC)sprint::gtl::DoubleBufferDC
~DoubleBufferDC() (defined in sprint::gtl::DoubleBufferDC)sprint::gtl::DoubleBufferDC
~TDC() (defined in sprint::gtl::TDC< false >)sprint::gtl::TDC< false >
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