This is the complete list of members for
sprint::gtl::CWindow, including all inherited members.
Close() (defined in sprint::gtl::CWindow) | sprint::gtl::CWindow | |
CWindow(HWND hWnd=NULL) | sprint::gtl::CWindow | |
Default (defined in sprint::gtl::CWindow) | sprint::gtl::CWindow | [static] |
Destroy() const | sprint::gtl::CWindow | |
Disable() (defined in sprint::gtl::CWindow) | sprint::gtl::CWindow | |
DrawMenuBar() (defined in sprint::gtl::CWindow) | sprint::gtl::CWindow | |
Enable() (defined in sprint::gtl::CWindow) | sprint::gtl::CWindow | |
GetClientRect() const | sprint::gtl::CWindow | |
GetDlgItem(int id) | sprint::gtl::CWindow | |
GetInstance() | sprint::gtl::CWindow | |
GetText(char *buffer, int buf_len) const | sprint::gtl::CWindow | |
GetWindowLong(int nIndex) | sprint::gtl::CWindow | |
GetWindowRect() const | sprint::gtl::CWindow | |
Hide() | sprint::gtl::CWindow | |
IsEnabled() const (defined in sprint::gtl::CWindow) | sprint::gtl::CWindow | |
KillTimer(UINT nIDEvent=0) const | sprint::gtl::CWindow | |
m_hwnd (defined in sprint::gtl::CWindow) | sprint::gtl::CWindow | |
Menu(void) const (defined in sprint::gtl::CWindow) | sprint::gtl::CWindow | |
Move(int x, int y) const | sprint::gtl::CWindow | |
MoveWindow(int X, int Y, int nWidth, int nHeight, BOOL bRepaint=TRUE) | sprint::gtl::CWindow | |
MoveWindow(const RECT &rc, BOOL bRepaint=TRUE) (defined in sprint::gtl::CWindow) | sprint::gtl::CWindow | |
operator bool() const (defined in sprint::gtl::CWindow) | sprint::gtl::CWindow | |
operator HWND() const | sprint::gtl::CWindow | |
Parent(void) const | sprint::gtl::CWindow | |
Redraw(bool RedrawBg=TRUE) const | sprint::gtl::CWindow | |
ReleaseCapture() const | sprint::gtl::CWindow | |
Resize(int sx, int sy) const | sprint::gtl::CWindow | |
SetCapture() const | sprint::gtl::CWindow | |
SetHwnd(HWND hwnd) (defined in sprint::gtl::CWindow) | sprint::gtl::CWindow | |
SetMenu(HMENU hmenu) (defined in sprint::gtl::CWindow) | sprint::gtl::CWindow | |
SetText(const char *txt) | sprint::gtl::CWindow | |
SetText(const std::string &txt) (defined in sprint::gtl::CWindow) | sprint::gtl::CWindow | |
SetTimer(UINT uTimeOut, UINT nIDEvent=0) const | sprint::gtl::CWindow | |
SetWindowLong(int nIndex, LONG dwNewLong) | sprint::gtl::CWindow | |
Show(int mode=SW_SHOW) | sprint::gtl::CWindow | |